MARWA Structure
Marwa consists of Two Committees – Shura Committee and Executive Committee
The Shura Committee is the body of knowledge of the Association. The essential purpose of the Shura Committee is to enjoin right and forbid wrong, The Shura Committee advises the Executive Committee in different matters. The members of the Shura Committee are elected every two years.
The Executive Committee consists of eight members and they manage the affairs of the Association. All members of the executive committee are equal, no one is subordinate or superior to another, however, they are liable to each other performing the activities of their assigned roles.
Shura Committee Members

Dr Ismail Farah Hirsi

Dr Shamsul Haque

Dr Waseem Afzal
Executive Committee Members

Nadeem Asghar

Dr Sajid Latif
Vice Chairman

Syed Arslan Haider

Md Mukitul Amin

Yazan Al-Hayek
Executive Member (Community Service)

Jaabir Adekunle-Jimoh
Executive Member (Community Service)

Rosel Najem
Women Liaison Officer